Manufacturer of medical, amusement and industrial equipment and custom electronic boards.
Looking ahead
Our vision for the future is broad, so we strive for success.
Cida Electronic Holding Group, using the latest technical knowledge in the world and relying on specialized technical staff, seeks to provide the best and highest quality services to you dear ones.
Research on the development and continuous learning of modern science
Our colleagues at Cida Electronics design and produce industrial, amusement and medical equipment with the latest world standards by researching the latest sciences and technologies in the world.
Invented product
Designed product
Custom products produced by Sida Electronics
Cida Electronic Collection designs your wishes and products in a customized way and meets your needs.
Our History
History of growth and development of cida Electronics Company
Origin and formation of the core of the team
Entering the field of production and industrialization
Expanding the field of work and the field of activity